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Writer's pictureNature in Two Languages

Love is Love: Amor para Dar e Receber

Nascemos amando: mamando, sorrindo, respirando.

We are born loving: suckling, smiling, breathing.

Nem precisamos aprender a amar: somos fruto do amor e vivemos para amar.

We don't even need to be taught how to love: we are the fruit of love and we live to love.

Valentine's, no hemisfério norte, é para celebrar a natureza humana:

Valentine's Day, in the northern hemisphere, is about celebrating human nature:

...amor entre amigas... between girl -friends...

...amor entre amigos... between boy -friends...

...amor entre parentes... between relatives...

...amor entre amantes... between lovers...

...amor, simplesmente, amando.

... love, just loving.

E a natureza agradece, por nos tornarmos mais humanos.

And nature thanks us for becoming more human.

Happy Valentine's Day

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