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Pasárgada, by Manuel Bandeira

Translated by Maria Fontes-Simpkins

I’m leaving for Pasárgada

Where I am the King’s friend

Where I have the woman I desire

In the bed I shall choose

I’m leaving for Pasárgada


I’m leaving for Pasárgada

I’m not blissful here

There, living is an adventure,

And so inconsequential,

That Joanna, the Mad from Spain,

The Queen and a demented fraud,

Turns out to be a distant relative

Of the daughter-in-law I never had


And I shall exercise

Ride a bike

Go wild-donkey riding

Climb the greasy pole

Dip in the blue sea!

And, when I am weary

I shall lie by the river bank

Call out for the Siren

To come and tell me the stories

That in my boyhood

Rosa would come to tell me

I’m leaving for Pasárgada


Pasárgada has everything

It is another civilization

It has a safe way

To prevent conception

It has automatic phones

It has alkaloid galore

It has beautiful harlots

For us to date


And when I am so weary

But so very weary, beyond repair

When the night pushes me

To end my life

- There, I am the King’s friend -

I shall have the woman I desire

In the bed I choose

I’m leaving for Pasárgada

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