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Angela, Maria e André Prado


Assim nos conta André Prado com suas fotos do Chile:

According to our collaborator, Andre Prado, Chile is like this:

Se estiver muito quente, vamos para as montanhas.

If it's too hot, let's go to the mountains.

Mas, se estiver muito frio, ficamos com as águas calmas do lago.

But if it gets too cold, we stay with the calm waters on the lake.

Mas, se a calmaria se demorar, vamos de rios e correntezas.

But if it gets too calm, let's move onto rivers and currents.

E, se quisermos mais cores, é só olhar as flores!

And, if we want even more colors, just look at the flowers!

E, ao final do dia, temos novamente a calmaria.

And, at the end of the day, we get some quietness again.

Ou seria o raiar de um novo dia?

Or would it be the dawn of a new day?

Talvez seja bom perguntar para quem entende e posa para a foto: "Olha o passarinho!"

Perhaps we'd better ask someone who knows it all and poses for a photo: "Look at the birdie!"

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