What was the weather like over the weekend? We got lots of rain in both hemispheres! And, most amazing of all: the forecast was pretty accurate too.
This was the forecast for São Paulo (temperature in Celsius, of course): pretty cold and damp.

And this was the very precise forecast for the Eastern Shore of Virginia (temperature in Fahrenheit, of course): hot and damp!

So, guess what happened? It did rain cats and dogs and we got soaking wet (or drenched in UK). In the north, Onancock area, the 4th of July cookout was interrupted (but we still had a great time!). This is how much it rained:

Wondering how much that is in centimeters? A lot: 3,175 cm, in less than 30 minutes.
Of course, cats and dogs were not out in the rain; they know better. If you would like to know the origin of this expression, we suggest you take your time, a cup of coffee (or tea) and start your googling...there are thousands of theories and explanations being offered! They all agree on its meaning, though: it is a lot of rain! Here is a link to get you started: urban dictionary.
In the meantime, Tigresa, the cat, is enjoying the hot weather...

... and Ozzy, the dog, is bundled up (yes, bem agasalhadinho) keeping warm...

... and singing along with Clapton: Let it rain!